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Registering Your Church & Campers For CampRenu


1. Register Your Church

Once registration opens, click HERE to register your church for CampRenu.

2. Electronic Registration

Once your church is registered you will receive an email from CampRenu with your Group Leader Agreement, Financial Agreement, and Detailed camper registration.  All forms will be due by April 30. Please note, forms turned in past April 30 will be considered Late Registration and will follow the below fees. 

3. Select Electives

On May 12th we begin registration for electives for campers & adults.  As a reminder, campers who have completed the 3rd grade will only be able to attend Recreation and Swim/Slide their first year.  Registration for electives are first come, first served and will close on June 10th. 

2025 Student Registration Fees

Regular Registration
February 1 - April 30

$185 per camper

Late Registration
May 1 - July 1

$210 per camper

2025 Adult Registration

February 1 - July 2

$185 per adult sponsor

We realize finding adult sponsors can be hard, so we want to give you as much time as possible to find them!  Adults are not charged late fees but we encourage churches to register them as quickly as possible. Reminder that all churches MUST provide one male and one female sponsor for every 7 campers they bring of that gender.  Sponsors are 18+ and must have completed a background check with your church. All cancellation fees apply per the cancellation schedule below.


Cancellation Fees

February 1 - May 31st 

No cancellation fees assessed during this time period.

June 1-June 31st (Regular Cancellation)

A cancellation fee of $35 will be assessed for any camper cancelling during this time period.

July 1st- July 13th  (Late Cancellation)

A cancellation fee of $75 will be assessed for any camper cancelling during this time period.

On/After July 13th

There are NO refunds on/after July 8, unless the cancelling camper is replaced by a new camper. Due to costs incurred by CampRenu at this point in the process, there are extremely limited circumstances for exception.


Prior to July 1

Prior to July 1, church's can replace a camper with another camper of the same gender until the end of the late registration period. Substituting a camper with another camper of the opposite gender may not be possible if bunk space is maxed, in which case the above cancellation fees may apply.


July, 1 - 2 Days Before Camp

In general, no substitutions will be allowed days before camp. In EXTREME cases Substitute Registrations are at the discretion of the CampRenu Registrar. Substitutions will ONLY be allowed to replace a camper that is cancelling.

Registering Staffers For CampRenu

Applications begin February 1st.  Junior Staffers, Staffers, and Fantastics must register directly through CampRenu.  Please click HERE for more details.  Staffers that are approved will be added to your church's totals. 

Download Informational Packets

Download the below informational packets to help you prepare for CampRenu 2025!


This packet includes camp overview, pricing, deadlines, information about roles at camp, and other pertinent information you, as a group leader, will need. It also includes every form that a camper, staffer, or adult would need to submit (these are also included in individual packets).


This packet has everything a parent would need to give you to sign their child up for camp. It also includes camp rules, what to bring lists, camp contact info, and a medical release form.


This packet has everything a parent of a student would need to give you for a camp staffer position. Again, this packet also includes camp rules, what to bring lists, camp contact info, and all forms a staffer must complete.


For your adult sponsors, simply give them this packet, and they will have everything they need to get signed up as an adult sponsor.

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